
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition


For parents/carers of new pupils to receive up-to-date communication from the school, we require a preferred contact email for our communication system. Please see details below to fill in a Microsoft Form outlining your contact details.

Welcome to Hodge Hill Girls' School! This page is all about helping our new pupils who will be joining HHGS in September 2025 to find all the information they need to feel ready for their start here. Beginning secondary school may feel overwhelming for some young people, but the HHGS community is here to ensure that the transition goes smoothly.

For our new parents/carers, we hope to keep you well-informed throughout your child's transition from primary school to secondary school. To ensure all parents/carers receive the latest communications from us, we require you to fill in our Microsoft Form to provide your preferred contact email.

Please click here to fill in the Year 6 Transition Microsoft Form.


Transition Timeline

To ensure a seamless transition, we have created a timeline of key dates that will help both parents/carers and our new pupils get to know our school gradually. We have a series of events here at HHGS which are outlined below:

Date Event


Monday 3rd March 2025


National Offer Day 

You will have received an offer email on Monday 3rd March 2025 to confirm your child's place in Year 7 at HHGS. Birmingham City Council expect that parent/carers will receive their emails by 4pm - the exact time will depend on their email service provider.

Parent/carers will also receive their child’s offer by letter on Monday 3rd March 2025.



Monday 30th June 2025

Year 6 Induction Evening

Our Induction Evening is for new pupils and parents/carers to visit the school and receive essential information crucial for a seamless transition for their child. On the evening, you will receive a presentation from the Headteacher, be introduced to your new form tutor, meet key members of school staff, have a taster experience of our school canteen, and receive a school tour by our pupil Event Leaders. Detailed information will be provided in written form.



Wednesday 2nd July 2025

Year 6 Induction Day 

Our Induction Day is a full-day experience for our new pupils, designed to give them a taste of what a typical day at Hodge Hill Girls' School is like. Our Induction Day will be a chance for new pupils to meet with different teachers, make new friends, take part in fun activities, and become familiar with a new routine. Detailed information about this day will be provided to you in writing.



Wednesday 20th August 2025 - Friday 22nd August 2025


Year 6 Summer School

Sign up to our Summer School for an exciting chance to take part in engaging team-building activities with your new peers. We'll work on building core skills with activities to spark creativity, and boost confidence. Summer school is not just about learning; it's a chance for pupils to make new friends and meet staff members, become familiar with the school building, and enjoy plenty of fun activities, including trips! 


Parent Information Booklet 

The Hodge Hill Girls' School Parent Information Booklet provides parents/carers with all the relevant information; detailing key members of staff, outlining school expectations, processes, and procedures.

Please familiarise yourself with this document to best prepare for a seamless transition for your child.


Advice from Current Year 7 Pupils

Read below on advice of our current Year 7 pupils when they began their journey at HHGS:

Yasmin's Advice

"Be brave! The whole year group feels just like you do, so don't worry. It's great to make new friends in secondary school while still having friends from primary school. All the teachers at HHGS are so kind so if you're lost in the corridors, ask any one who is around forfor help. And don't forget to make friends from all your classes too!"

Mahnoor's Advice

"Don't be stressed is the most important thing. Moving to a new school can seem scary, especially with lots of new faces. You might feel worried about getting lost, but don't stress – I've been through it too. It usually takes about a week to get used to the new school and all the new teachers. Just give it some time, and soon you'll feel more comfortable in the new environment."

Mariam's Advice

"The best way to get used to the new school is by making friends who feel just as nervous as you. When you find buddies you really like, you'll explore the school together. Trust me, having friends by your side on the first day will make you feel much better. And don't worry about not being with your old primary school friends all the time,  you can still hang out with them during breaks and lunch."

Inaaya's Advice

"Make sure to pay attention and take your time in school. It's important to make friends, follow the rules, and get used to the new school as soon as you can. One helpful tip is to memorise your timetable and know where your classes are in the school. This will make things easier for you and help you get to your lessons on time."


Jessica's Advice

"Don't be afraid to make new friends. When I started HHGS I had a big group of friends from my primary school that I came here with but I didn't just stick with them. I made a new group of friends from my lessons and form group. My advice would be to always smile as people because they know you're open to be friends."

Amirah's Advice

"Be sociable and don't be scared to put yourself out there. It's scary at first but once you get over the first part of introducing yourself, it's so easy! You can also make friends during lunchtimes by using the wellbeing games area started by Mrs Barron which has different boards games to play with at lunchtime. You can also join after-school clubs to make friends. I joined Ms Aslam's Arts & Crafts after-school club and met other girls in my year group."

Haleema's Advice

"If you feel worried about anything, speak to your Head of Year or someone you trust. I spoke to Ms Aslam about my worries when I first started HHGS and she helped me massively. If you feel afraid or too shy to speak to someone, write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and share it with your Head of Year."



Explore some of the facilities and incentives we provide our pupils in the gallery below:


The classroom experience is enhanced using interactive technology to facilitate and encourage pupil learning.


The HHGS House Group system provides significant pupil leadership opportunities across the school. Pupils have the opportunity to be a leader in school - leaders help to organise events, competitions, and become the pupil voice for their year group, across school life, and within the House Group.
Outside of the typical classroom environment, the school invests in enhancing pupil learning by inviting external agencies to help promote high aspirations towards learning among all pupils.



Our Science labs are well-equipped for pupils to enjoy engaging practical sessions.
Pupils are awarded certificates and prizes by their Head of Year in end of term Reward Assemblies to celebrate; 100% attendance, upholding and exemplifying PRIDE values, and other positive behaviours.

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094