Subject Vision
In KS3, pupils receive one lesson of Drama a fortnight.
By the end of the Key Stage; the aim is that they will have received opportunities to develop their confidence in the key areas of CREATING, PERFORMING and RESPONDING.
This is done through Devising, Text-based work and Evaluation of Theatre.
By the end of the Key stage; pupils will have broadened their application and understanding of skills with increasingly more challenging stimuli.
Key Stage Three Drama builds a foundation for the Programme of Study at KS4, should pupils opt for the Subject as well as providing discrete and transferable skills to develop confidence, communication, leadership, enquiry, creativity, empathy, analysis and evaluation.
The Drama Department is committed to 'Educational Drama'. Educational drama focuses on the exploration of real issues, events and relationships through imagined situations rather than just the acquisition of a set of theatre skills and traditions. It is a process of learning through the art form rather than about the art form.
In Drama, pupils have a safe environment to explore their ideas creatively; showing awareness of themselves and empathy with others, in a community and global context.
They evaluate their work with a view to developing critical and analytical skills to demonstrate understanding of important ideas and issues in an appropriate way, using a range of theatrical skills for specific audiences.
Those who continue with Drama at GCSE develop understanding of ethical, moral, social and historical contexts in both their practical and written work.
The Drama Department won the Disney Bitesize Competition, led projects as part of the National Send My Friend To School Campaign where our Local MP The Rt Hon. Liam Byrne was invited to presentations, speeches and performances our pupils had created to raise awareness of the plight of children missing out on an Education throughout the world.
The Department also runs the OUR VOICE Digital website along with the Young Journalists, our Digital Ambassadors. The site includes podcasts, articles and resources for our School community to raise awareness, celebrate achievement and develop and demonstrate communication skills.
Past Theatre projects have included work with The Birmingham Rep, Big Brum, Shakespeare Schools Festival, The Wilde Festival, Women and Theatre and The Playhouse.
The Department is dedicated to contributing positively to the progress and wellbeing of our pupils.
For any questions, please contact Mrs Melanie Clarke, Subject Leader for Drama
Key Stage 4 - GCSE Drama
Drama is a creative, purposeful and disciplined art. Through following the GCSE course; pupils develop practical skills and critical abilities, their imagination, sensitivity and awareness of others in the world. GCSE Drama offers students the opportunity to explore drama as a practical art form in which ideas and meaning are communicated to an audience through choices of form, style and convention. Students will create, perform and respond to drama informed by their theoretical knowledge of drama and theatre.
In KS4 pupils follow the AQA GCSE Drama course. https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama/gcse/drama-8261/specification
The course is assessed through the completion of three Component Units:
Component 1: Understanding drama
What's assessed:
- Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre
- Study of one set play from a choice of six
- Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers
How it's assessed:
Written exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes • Open book • 80 marks - 40% of GCSE
- Section A: multiple choice (4 marks)
- Section B: four questions on a given extract from the set play chosen (46 marks)
- Section C: one two part question (from a choice) on the work of theatre makers in a single live performance.
Component 2: Devising drama
This is a practical component in which students are assessed on their ability to create communicate meaning for theatrical performance (AO1), apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance (AO2) and analyse and evaluate their own work (AO4).
Component 2 constitutes 40% of the GCSE. It is marked by teachers and moderated by AQA.
For this component, students are required to complete the following two assessment tasks:
- Produce an individual Devising log documenting the devising process
- Contribute to a final devised duologue or group performance.
The Devising log is marked out of 60. Each student's contribution to the final devised performance is marked out of 20.
Component 3: Texts in practice
This component is a practical component in which students are assessed on their ability to apply theatrical skills to: realise artistic intentions in live performance (AO2).
Component 3 constitutes 20% of the GCSE.
It is marked by the Examination Board. For this component, students must complete TWO assessment tasks:
- Study and present a key extract (monologue, duologue or group performance) from a play chosen by the student
- Study and present a second key extract (monologue, duologue or group performance) from the same play.
Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all GCSE Drama specifications and all exam boards. The exams and non-exam assessment will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives:
- AO1: Create and develop ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance.
- AO2: Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance.
- AO3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
- AO4: Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others.
Year 10
In Year 10, pupils will be introduced to the Programme of Study, developing range of skills, knowledge and understanding. Throughout the year they will:
- Learn lines, either for devised performance or text-based.
- Develop the ability to interpret / create a character.
- Develop the ability to explore, interpret and analyse a text through practical work
- Develop an understanding of the Technical and Production elements of theatre
- Develop a range of vocal skills and techniques eg: clarity of diction, inflection, accent, intonation and phrasing; pace, pause and timing; projection, pitch; emotional range; song and/or choral speaking
- Develop a range of physical skills and techniques eg: movement, body language, posture, gesture, gait, co-ordination, stillness, timing, control; facial expression; eye contact, listening, expression of mood; spatial awareness; interaction with other performers; dance and choral movement. Learn how to engage and communicate with an audience. Develop analytical and evaluative skills
Year 11
- Pupils will complete assessment of Components 1, 2 and 3 of the course.