

At Hodge Hill Girls’ School, our curriculum aims to empower our students with a strong foundation in numeracy, enabling them to excel academically and thrive in their future pursuits. We focus on developing mathematical fluency, building conceptual understanding, and promoting mathematical reasoning.

Through problem-solving tasks and activities, our students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to communicate their mathematical ideas effectively. We integrate technology to enhance the visualisation and exploration of mathematical concepts, and we foster a positive mindset towards numeracy, promoting resilience and confidence which are aligned with our PRIDE values.

By emphasising the relevance of numeracy skills in real-life applications and connecting mathematical concepts to everyday experiences, so that they are ready for the real world. We strive to create an inclusive learning environment where all students feel empowered to persevere through challenges. By providing support and varied learning experiences, we aim to inspire a lifelong appreciation for numeracy and equip our students with the essential skills and knowledge needed.


Below are the activities which we run to help to develop our pupils’ numerical skills at Hodge Hill Girls' School


Sparx Maths          

All Students have access to Sparx Mathematics, all students complete their mathematics homework on Sparx Maths, which is set weekly, homework is in line with the Hodge Hill Girls’ School mathematics curriculum. All students are given homework books where they must complete their working out and are able to develop their problem-solving skills.

Sparx uses personalisation algorithms that support and challenge all students.

Sparx Maths has 45000 questions and 10,000 support videos and is used across the world in 23 different countries by over 2000 schools and is accessed by 1.8 million students. The students are encouraged to spend at least 1 hour a week working Sparx Maths and research has shown that this significantly improves grades.                  


Junior Mathematical Challenge

Students are selected from Y7 and Y8 to compete in the Junior Mathematical Challenge, this is a 60-minute challenge, which encourages It encourages mathematical reasoningprecision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.

The problems on the Junior Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think. Most are accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience.


Numeracy Workshops

Post-Covid we are inviting financial institutions to deliver real-life numeracy workshops to students in Y7 to Y9.


Numeracy Ninja

Students in Y7 to Y9 complete Numeracy skills books during form time, which supports learners in developing high levels of fluency with important numeracy skills required for GCSE and real life. The booklets focus on key number skills and lead extension problem-solving.


GCSE Booklets

Students in Y10 and Y11 complete GCSE booklets during form time, these increase in difficulty from low-stakes questions to grade 5+ questions to stretch and challenge the more able.


Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094