

Curriculum Intent

Here at Hodge Hill Girls’ School, it is our intention that pupils leave their secondary school experience with a Careers Education which has helped to; raise aspirations, give students the skills to achieve their full potential, and to provide the opportunity to experience different career pathways.

In order to fulfil this, the school has a specified Careers Curriculum Programme in place which delivers employability and work-related learning skills. This covers all pupils from Years 7-11. This is in addition to the many career-linked activities which take place throughout the academic year. It is our goal that our pupils at Hodge Hill Girls’ School leave with the knowledge to make informed choices about their future.

As part of our Careers' curriculum intent, we aim to implement the six areas below to ensure our pupils are prepared for the world of work and future career pathways.


CDI Career Development Framework - six learning areas


Curriculum Implementation

Implementation of the Careers Curriculum takes place in numerous ways.

Pupils at Hodge Hill Girls’ School complete the STEPs booklets within PSHE lessons. As a further resource, The Career Pilot, is used as part of pupil’s homework tasks. In addition to this, the school has an Aspirations Day, in which a wide variety of activities relating to careers take place. A range of career related events also take place throughout the academic year, such as, National Apprenticeship week, National Careers week, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) week. Pupils take part in work experience and engage in visits to/from colleges and universities.


Measurement and Assessment of the Impact of our Careers Programme on Pupils

Hodge Hill Girls’ School measure and assess the impact of the schools’ Careers Programme in several ways. In PSHE lessons, pupils are provided with a booklet to complete a self-assessment page at the beginning and end of each topic - this shows how much pupils have learnt. The booklet also includes a teacher assessment page to detail how well pupils have performed at the end of a topic.

The school performs regular evaluations and pupil voices at the end of planned events, such as the Careers Convention, and the Work Skills show. This helps to gain an insight of what pupils have taken away from events held (allows for improvements or changes to be made, in order to provide the best pupil experience). This includes evaluations from staff and key stakeholders. We also analyse destinations data to see targeted pupils (which we thought might become NEET post 16) have all received a place in post-16 education or training. The school uses compass plus to constantly review our careers programme and measure it against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Please see the Gatsby benchmarks below:

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance:

  1. A stable careers’ programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance


Our career's leader is Ms Nazish. 

Ms Nazish is responsible for the school’s delivery of the careers’ strategy. 

She can be contacted on:

Telephone: 0121 464 3094

Email: n.nazish@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk.


Date of next review: July 2024

Careers Policies 

Careers Programme

Hodge Hill Girls' School Careers Programme is an integrated part of the curriculum. All subject areas make reference to, and discuss career opportunities specific to individual areas. This includes exploring the transferable, enabling skills which help pupils to develop across all year groups. The PSHCE programme plays a key role in supporting the delivery of the Careers’ Strategy. Pupils with SEND are further supported by staff in Learning Support; our school SENCo liaises with our Careers’ Leader, Learn to Work staff, and additional external agencies for pupils as necessary.

Pupils will use the STEPS booklets, which are mapped against the CDI framework for Careers, Employability, and Enterprise education, also including the Gatsby benchmarks. Pupils will cover the following:


Year 7

Pupils develop an awareness and importance of employment opportunities being available in the local area as part of the PSHCE programme. The careers programme in PSHCE aims to:

• Develop yourself (through careers, employability and enterprise education).

• Learn about careers and the world of work.

• Plan for the future (using career management, employability and enterprise skills)

Pupils will cover the following in their STEPs booklets:

Changes. What have you achieved? Who can help? What influences me? Roles that I think are successful. What are you like? Skills for Life. How do you learn? This is me. What is work? Using the Careers Library / Learning Resource Centre. Changes in the World of Work. How creative are you? Setting targets.  Review my learning (Exercise O1) Task P: Look ahead (Exercise P1)


Year 8

Pupils continue develop an awareness and importance of employment opportunities being available in the local area as part of the PSHCE programme. The careers programme in PSHCE aims to:

 • Develop yourself (through careers, employability and enterprise education).

• Learn about careers and the world of work.

• Plan for the future (using career management, employability and enterprise skills)

Pupils will cover the following in their STEPs booklets:

Your beliefs. Are school and work so different? What do you want from work? Job Families. Can anyone predict the future? Being assertive. Who does the job? Are you sure that’s true? Budgeting, How do you make decisions? Writing an Action Plan. Review my learning. Look ahead.


Year 9

Pupils continue develop an awareness and importance of employment opportunities being available in the local area as part of the PSHCE programme. The careers programme in PSHCE aims to:

 • Develop yourself (through careers, employability and enterprise education).

• Learn about careers and the world of work.

• Plan for the future (using career management, employability and enterprise skills)

Pupils will cover the following in their STEPs booklets:

Plan your decision year. My Network. Personal Qualities. Personal Qualities & Jobs. Skills. Skills & Jobs. Skills for Life and Work. Tell us why it should be you! Learning Styles. Being Enterprising. Working Today. Eastern Delights! Using reliable information. Qualifications. Choosing Options.  Review my learning. Look ahead.


Year 10

Pupils continue develop an awareness and importance of employment opportunities being available in the local area as part of the PSHCE programme. The careers programme in PSHCE aims to:

 • Develop yourself (through careers, employability and enterprise education).

• Learn about careers and the world of work.

• Plan for the future (using career management, employability and enterprise skills)

Pupils will cover the following in their STEPs booklets:

Exploring Possibilities. World of Work - What Employers Want. World of Work - Work and Lifestyle. World of Work – Quiz. World of Work - Legal Limits. World of Work - Rights at Work. World of Work - Responsibilities at work. Application Skills. Work Experience. Moving on from Work Experience. Developing your Personal Sales Pitch. Managing your Money. Thinking ahead after you are 16 – Options. Different Qualifications and their equivalents. Review my learning. Look ahead.


Year 11

Pupils continue develop an awareness and importance of employment opportunities being available in the local area as part of the PSHCE programme. The careers programme in PSHCE aims to:

 • Develop yourself (through careers, employability and enterprise education).

• Learn about careers and the world of work.

• Plan for the future (using career management, employability and enterprise skills)

Pupils will cover the following in their STEPs booklets:

Year Planner. How are you doing? Your skills and interests. What are you like? Different qualifications and their equivalents. Which way do you go? The changing job market. Personal, Learning & Thinking Skills. Money matters. Choices now, choices later? Making applications. Writing a CV. Writing a Cover Letter. Preparing for Interviews. Where have you got so far? Review my learning. Look ahead.






Information about the activity

Year groups involved



Post 16 Evening

We have a number of post 16 provider come into school and pupils are able to ask questions



Labour Market Information month


Black History Month

Pupils are sent information within form groups about how to access LMI and PowerPoint information


Pupils learn about different black Scientists








World Skills Show

Pupils attend the world skills show

Year 10


Aspirations Day

Pupils take part in a range of activities ranging from

money sense workshops from Natwest,




Barclays Life Skills


Workshops from Aston and Birmingham university (this year virtual)


Blesma inspirational talks



Medical Mavericks (virtual)



Websites iCould, Career pilot



Options information (different subjects talk about careers paths they can take) (subject teachers)


Personal statements for college


Apprenticeship talk (virtual)


University prospectuses


Introduction to work experience from ”Learn to Work”




Post 16 options information







Careers Convention

We have a number of post 16 colleges, sixth form, training, apprenticeship  providers, universities and employers come into school (this year it was all virtual)

9, 10 & 11


NHS careers competition

This is introduced in Science lessons. Pupils then research different careers in the NHS. They then produce a job advertisement and job profile for their chosen career.



STEM awareness

Targeted pupils doing STEM related activities. Information sent about STEM to all pupils

All & targeted pupils


National Apprenticeship week


Pupils in lockdown so were able to access various virtual workshops both aimed at pupils and parents



National Careers Week

National Careers Week Fair


Barclays Life Skills


Parents Guide to National Careers Week


Applying to Oxford or Cambridge (virtual)


STEM hub


Family careers treasure hunt


Career Pilot


Employability Skills worksheet to complete


Guess the Job activity


Parents workshops by Investin



Medical Mavericks


Post 16 virtual workshops


T Levels information evening for pupils and parents


British Army workshop


Lendlease pre recorded assembly on careers in the industry



Big Bang Fair

Pupils usually attend the NEC, this year it was virtual



STEAM week

Pupils are taken off timetable for a number of days during the week and take part in a range of activities and workshops including

Maths Masterclass

Team building in engineering

Glassmaking workshop

History of mental health

Wind energy

Escape room

Mindset and mental health workshop

And many more

This year pupils were in lockdown but were set tasks on ClassCharts. Each subject had a different STEAM linked activity to complete including technology that changed the world (RS), calculating your ecological footprint(citizenship), how engineering can reduce the impact of earthquakes (Geography) history of vaccinations (History)Understanding Climate Change (PE) etc





Visitor Month

Talk about their career pathways

Targeted pupils


Postponed to June this year)

Employer interviews

We have about 15 employers come into school and interview our students for about 20 mins. (virtual event)

Year 10


Work Experience (virtual this year)

In previous year pupils have gone out on placements. This year pupils stayed in school and we had a virtual work experience week. This included finance workshops, Virtual workshops from post 16 colleges, apprenticeship session, RAF, STEM session, TATA digital project.



Enterprise Challenge






Pupils given £5, they then go away and design a product/ service. The group which make the most profit wins, all profits go to charity.




All (selected pupils)



World of Work Skills


This is a programme for year 11 pupils after completed all their assessments. Pupils had a virtual workshop with the company Lendlease looking at employability skills and the some virtual workshops with local post 16 providers.


Throughout the Year

Job of the week














Careers Adviser







Careers in the curriculum





Science workshops



New job of the week emailed to pupils every week



Pupils emailed information about virtual workshops, work experience, careers information etc



Pupils can access prospectuses etc from the library




Pupils in years 10 and 11 will receive a one to one careers interview with our careers adviser. There will also be a lunchtime drop in session if pupils need to ask any quick questions



Pupils learn about different careers within their subject area. We have a careers logo which teachers are asked to place onto work with is in anyway related to careers.


Pupils attend different university for their specialist science workshops






























Targeted pupils







Careers Information for Pupils

During your time as a pupil at Hodge Hill Girls’ School, you will have many opportunities to enhance your careers and work-related learning skills. There are several places where you can access information when needed, including:

• Email careers leader Ms Nazish: n.nazish@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk

• Receive a careers interview with the career’s adviser (please email Ms Nazish).

• Access the careers section in the library.


Click here for useful careers information.


The following websites are excellent resources:

https://www.lmiforall.org.uk/careerometer  - Labour Market for All allows students to enter the career of interest into the search bar, this results in the website providing the latest labour market information for that specific job. The purpose of this resource is to help envision the demand of a particular role is, before going down a career path journey in that sector.


https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk – The National Careers Service is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages. Here you can find; help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills, or seeking general careers advice.


https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships– The National Apprenticeship Service resource provides general advice and information regarding apprenticeships for school leavers.  Furthermore, the site advertises current job vacancies for post-16 students.


https://icould.com– iCould aims to help young people to make the most of their potential by illustrating how others have used their potential to succeed. Take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz to help discover unlocked potential!


www.startprofile.com – Start Profile helps young people to investigate careers of their interest, watch videos, and receive informative advice. Helps students to seek out different employer groups and discover the work experience opportunities in your area.


https://www.careersbox.co.uk– Careers Box is a video-based job profile information, and skills explorer tool.


https://successatschool.org – Success at School provides clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors). This is illustrated in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. A useful tool on the site includes ’60 second interviews’ which provides a profile of professionals in a specific sector, this gives a pupils a useful insight into specific careers paths.


https://www.how2become.com – How2Become offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. This website offers the purchase of resources compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields. This is designed to enable students to achieve their dream career or course. A selection of these books, including online psychometric testing access, have been supplied to the school by How2Become.


https://www.fasttomato.com– Fast Tomato is an interactive careers website to engage young people with a ‘careers matching’ programme to help with career choice (log in for a free guest pass).


https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk – Not Going To Uni is a useful resource to seek opportunities that exist outside of higher education and university.


https://www.ucas.com– UCAS is the main website for students seeking information about university courses available to them, directly with the application process involved. A useful resource provided by UCAS is the Stamford test, this helps with ideas about specific subjects to study.


https://russellgroup.ac.uk – The Russell Group website gives comprehensive information representing 24 of the U.Ks leading universities. The site is a source of careers information & advice, including ‘Informed Choices’-  this is a downloadable guide to making post-16 education/employment choices.


https://www.prospects.ac.uk – Prospects provides extensive resources for individuals to find out which careers avenues they could access after undertaking a particular degree.


https://www.mycareerspringboard.org – My Career Springboard is a tool designed for students. The site is divided into two main sections: The Career Test, and the Career Exploration Tool. In tandem, these two interactive tools allow students to find some career inspiration and gain an insight into their different career options.


https://uk.job-applications.com– The UK Job Applications site provides useful videos, demonstrating how to complete online applications for many top companies in the UK, as well as providing detailed information on salaries and interviews. Applications forms can be printed off directly from the website.


https://jobs.telegraph.co.uk/careers– The Telegraph Careers tab provides various information about specific sectors, as well as advice on how to create a CV and prepare for interviews.


https://www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk/#root – All About School Leavers display current apprenticeship and school leaver programme opportunities, to the latest school leaver job news, and gives career journey advice.


https://allaboutapprenticeships.co.uk – All About Apprenticeships advertises live apprenticeship vacancies, organised by sector or area. The site offers plenty of advice on making applications.


https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/introduction-of-t-levels/introduction-of-t-levels - Government information regarding the new T-Levels qualifications.

Career Information for Parents

The Gatsby Benchmarks 


Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by Students, parents, teachers, governors and employers. 


Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information 

All students and parents should have access to good quality information about future study options, and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make the best use of available information.


Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Student    

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout. 


Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of careers paths. 


Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees 

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment, and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring, and enterprise schemes. 


Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces 

Every student should have first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing, and/or work experience. This should help to help their exploration of career opportunities and expand their networks. 


Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education 

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes, and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. 


Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance 

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career’s adviser. This can be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. This individual should be available whenever significant study, or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs. 


Education Options

There are various routes your child could take post 16, including:

  •  Apprenticeships
  •  BTEC's

Please click on the website below for more details:



What Are T Levels?

T Levels are a new route to post-16 education which were introduced in September 2020. This course of education follows GCSE’s and is equivalent to the standard 3 A Levels. The 2-year programme has been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses, so that the content meets the needs of industry, additionally preparing students for world of work.

T Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days). They provide the knowledge and experience needed to open the door into skilled employment, further study, or a higher apprenticeship.

For more information, please visit the website below:



Types of Jobs

Students who have an idea of what they would like to do as part of their future career aspirations, may find it useful to plan their next steps to explore all the possibilities available to them. To help both parents and students to understand how to reach these goals, the following websites may be of some use:

Careers Information for Teachers

At Hodge Hill Girls' School, we are committed to ensuring that pupils have an excellent career and work-related education.

Thus, we as teachers must ensure:

  • We have a careers board in each subject department, displaying the different skills gained, and which careers this could lead to.
  • Develop links with various businesses/organisations.
  • To invite visitors to come into school to talk to pupils about different career paths, helping to inspire students to the possibilities of their future career journeys (this can be arranged virtually).
  • If possible, to arrange external visits to local businesses/organisations.
  • Record careers learning opportunities for students (using compass plus).
  • Take part in Careers week and share which career paths pupils could take based on their subject area.


Careers Ambassadors will be selected from each subject department, with regular meeting and inset sessions being delivered. This will help teachers to develop and implement the careers curriculum in their area.

Useful websites you could use with pupils include:

Careers Information for Employer's/Stakeholders

Opportunities for access a number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. Please email to our Careers Leader n.nazish@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk  to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

Please find the link below for our provider access policy:

Hodge Hill Girls' School's Career Policies

Work Experience - Year 10

Pupils at Hodge Hill Girls' School take part in Work Experience Week in the Summer Term in Year 10. Our partner company “Learn to Work” organise the work experience programme for Hodge Hill Girls' school pupils.

Pupils are prepared for work experience by learning about employability skills, body language, interview preparation (by having a 20 min interview with a real employer) etc. The school helps to aid this preparation by putting in place, workshops, assemblies, and face-to -face interviews.

LMI Careerometer

The LMI Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, in the current labour market. It can help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.

For further information on the LMI Careerometer, click here.

Careers Resources for SEND Pupils

Careers is an integrated part of the curriculum. All subject areas make reference to and discuss career opportunities specific to individual areas, as well as exploring the transferable enabling skills which each enables pupils to develop across all year groups. The PSHCE programme plays a key role in supporting the delivery of the Careers’ Strategy.

Pupils with SEND are further supported by staff in Learning Support; our school SENCo liaises with our Careers’ Leader, Careers adviser, Learn to Work staff and additional outside agencies for pupils as necessary.

Pupils are given a lengthy careers interview in which the careers adviser provides a career plan. Pupils can then use this in their next EHCP review. Pupils are kept an eye on and may be given another interview.

Pupils are given extra support when applying to post 16 places.

Pupils are given extra support when applying for work experience with the help of the Learn to Work team.

Please see the link below for some excellent resources to help support SEN pupils with Careers and Work related education.


Careers Learning - Provider Access Legislation

The Provider Access Legislation mandates schools and colleges to give training providers the opportunity to talk to students of certain ages about technical qualifications and apprenticeships.


Hodge Hill Girls does a number of things in order to fulfil the agreement of the Provider Access Legislation:

  • Pupils learn about Apprenticeships and technical qualifications using the STEPs booklets in PSHCE lessons.
  • Pupils learn about technical qualifications when they attend the world skills show at the NEC.
  • Pupils have another opportunity during Aspirations Day, in which they may have events, talks, and workshops, regarding the above qualifications.
  • During the Careers Convention, we typically invite a number of training providers offering qualifications, for pupils to discuss and learn about further.
  • Pupils learn about the different careers in the NHS during the NHS careers competition, and pupils will learn about different careers and the pathways they can take to reach them.
  • In February, pupils take part in National Apprenticeship week. This helps pupils be more aware of the Apprenticeships available out there and where to access them. Parent packs are sent to parents/carers informing providing more details of the opportunity available to their daughters.
  • During National Careers week, pupils and parents will learn more about Apprenticeships and T levels. During COVID-19, we held a virtual evening dedicated to these qualifications to provide more details to parents.
  • Pupils attend the Big Bang Fair and learn about the different pathways to enter different STEM related careers.
  • More information about these qualifications during STEAM week

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094