About Us

Governor Information and Duties

The Role of the Governing Body

The Governing Body takes a largely strategic role in the running of the school. This includes setting its aims and objectives, reviewing progress and reviewing the strategic framework in light of the progress made.

The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school; and for advising on and implementing the Governing Body’s strategic framework. In particular, the Heateacher will formulate aims and objectives, policies and targets for the Governing Body to consider adopting; and to report to the Governing Body on progress at least once every school year.

Our school is committed to having an active board that is diverse, inclusive, and reflective of the community we serve. More information is available upon request from the school office.



Join Our Governing Body 

Do you want to be inspired by the impact of education? Are you able to attend meetings with like-minded people who care about our school? We are looking for skilled volunteers to support education by becoming school governors at Hodge Hill Girls’ School!

We have two vacancies in the co-opted governor category for a Site & Finance Governor and Pastoral & Curriculum Governor. We would greatly welcome applications from people with experience in:

  • Educational setting – schools, FE, Safeguarding, Behaviour
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Health and Safety
  • Business management

If you have any questions, please email the school on enquiry@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk to get in touch with the clerk to Governors.

To apply, please complete the BCC School Governor Application Form and NGA Skills Audit documents available below and send completed forms to enquiry@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk titled: FAO Chair of Governors.


HHGS Governor Advert

Birmingham City Council School Governor Application Form

NGA Skills Audit 



Attendance at Governing Body Meeting

Prior to each Governor's meeting relevant documents are available to members of the Governing Body as appropriate.

Mrs Susan Dancer, the Chair of Governors and Ms Caitlyn Lloyd, the Clerk to the Governing Body, can be contacted at:

Hodge Hill Girls' School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

Telephone: 0121 464 3094 

Email: enquiry@hodgehgs.bham.sch.uk.


Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings, Curriculum and Pastoral Committee Meetings and Finance, Site and Premises Committee Meetings are available below:

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094